This app is an Informational app on the subject of Total Knee Replacement.It contains as much detailed information as possible on the subject and a support forum.
This is what is included in the application:
- The definition of Total Knee Replacement Procedure- Information on how to prepare for the procedure- Risks involved in the procedure- A video computer animation of the procedure- A support forum where users can exchange their advice, ask questions and post photos- An example recovery timeline of a patient after the procedure. (remember everyones recovery is different)- A gallery of funny photos on the subject (for good humor)- An example chart you can prepare yourself for exercises during preparations as well as physical therapy.- Frequently asked questions. You can listen to audio answers to questions in the app- Links to more sources on the subject of Total Knee Replacement- Latest posts on the subject of Total Knee Replacement from Twitter with links to articles.- Latest articles on the web on the subject of Total Kee Replacement- An "About and Contact Us" section where you can contact us and suggest new ideas to make the app better.
This app is made for informational purposes only. It is not a medical tool in any way. To make any decisions or do
anything before or after a Total Knee Replacement procedure be sure to contact your health professional.
Total Knee Replacement surgery can be perscribed do to severe arthritis in the knees, overuse or other underlying conditions.
Surgical Treatment of Knee Pain.
Partial knee replacement: The surgeon replaces the damaged portions of the knee with plastic and metal parts. Total knee replacement: In this procedure, the knee is replaced with an artificial joint. It requires a major surgery and hospitalization.